Finding New Music


Credit to @comicsbyjess

As a musician who goes to college with other musicians, you’d think that finding new music would be easy. That said, there are definitely times when I’m just not in the right headspace to look for new music, or I’m struggling to find new music that sparks any interest for me. That’s totally okay, especially as young adults people go through tons of different musical phases and there’s no need to be constantly devouring new music. But, if you’re looking for some, here are some ways you can find it: 

  • Ask a friend. If you have friends who you listen to music with or who you know like some of the stuff you like, asking them for access to their playlist or just for some music recs is a great way of finding new artists to listen to. Even if you don’t share many similarities in your music taste, you might discover a new style that you wouldn’t have thought of looking into before. 
  • The radio station feature on Apple Music. If you have Apple Music, there is a setting where you can listen to your own radio station and the service will recommend you music that is similar to music you already listen to. This is how I first discovered Soccer Mommy and The Beths, and I can definitely recommend it if you’re in a new music kind of mood. 
  • Look up soundtracks. Find the songs that are in any shows or movies you like, and then look up those artists. Having positive memories associated with a song is a really good way to start liking it. For example, the Upright soundtrack is what first got me into Amyl and the Sniffers. 
  • Get yourself into some social media groups. Diss Facebook all you like, it’s the best platform for finding groups to do with artists and music styles. Once you’re in the group, create a posting asking people what music they listen to outside of the artist the group is themed around. I’ve seen this done so many times in groups that I’m in and they always get tons of recommendations. 
  • Read this blog. Unless we have identical musical taste, you might find some new stuff to listen to in a Track of the Week article or even in a Music News Roundup. I try to give a bit of information about songs and artists that I mention so that you can properly gauge whether they’re right for you. 
Thanks for reading, and I hope you find the new music you’re after! 


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