Track of the Week

 This week’s track of the week was a totally unexpected recommendation from a good friend of mine last week. Over the past few days, I’ve completely fallen in love with it and I hope that some of you will too. 

The song is called ‘Poor Madeline’ and it was released last week by Daffo as the lead single for their upcoming Pest EP. It starts off with folky acoustic vibes and grows as the song goes on, something which I absolutely adore, so my friend knew me well in that respect. There’s just something about this track. Maybe it’s Daffo’s voice, like a folkier, slightly harsher girl in red or the craftsmanship of the song and the lyrics, but it is just beautiful. 

On the subject of lyrics, there are many which stand out, but for me the peak of the entire song has to be the fourth verse/pre-chorus, where Daffo writes ‘Not ready to give herself over to life / To wake up in the morning and suffer or die’. This lyric is so eloquent and destroys me every time I hear it, the perfect sad song. There’s something very relatable about the idea of not wanting to get up in the morning because you’re just going to suffer anyway. 

If you haven’t heard of Daffo, fix that. They’re an incredible artist and this song is soul-destroyingly pretty. I, for one, am eagerly awaiting the release of the new EP. 


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