Track of the Week

 This week’s track of the week gives me some serious 2021 nostalgia, in fact it was probably one of my top tracks of the year. Snail Mail’s album ‘Valentine’ features a track called ‘Glory’ which has had me firmly in its grip for the last nearly two years. 

I’m not really sure what it is about this one, maybe it’s the distinctive tone of Snail Mail’s guitar and vocal blend or the drum beat that keeps the song flowing so effortlessly. The subtle strings definitely add a little something to the texture too. Either way, it’s probably one of my top three Snail Mail songs of all time, which is saying something considering I find it almost impossible to pick out my ‘favourite’ songs. Going to see Snail Mail in 2022 was one of my best ever concert experiences as well (although I may have picked up Covid). 

Lyrically, ‘Glory’ has powerful imagery typical of Snail Mail’s style, especially the second line ‘Jesus died just to save you’. However, I’d say that my favourite lyrics have to be the chorus ‘You owe me / You own me / I could never hurt you, my love / You know me’. Something about the AABA repetition just gets me, it’s imbalanced in the best way and that’s probably how I would describe Snail Mail to new listeners, beautifully imbalanced. 


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