Band Spotlight: Lovejoy

Photo credit: Rae Beet

 For this week’s random article, I decided to try a new format of spotlighting a band I’ve heard a lot about. Within the post, I’m hoping to tell you a bit about them, what I’ve heard about them and what I think of the stuff I’ve listened to. This first one will be about Lovejoy, requested by my cousin Rae. 

Lovejoy are a band that I’ve heard a lot about but never really listened to until this week, so most of what I’m going to tell you is pretty new to me. That said, I’m definitely intrigued by what I’ve heard so there may well be some more Lovejoy content coming your way. Rae gave me some fun facts about them, including that Wilbur and Ash met in a burger shop, they originate from Brighton and Ash designs all the merch himself. For me, this definitely sounds on brand with what I’ve heard, though not quite as on brand as the next fact which was that a lot of their music has animals which go along with it. This is great. Like really great. We love a good mascot. 

In terms of the actual music, it’s their very own brand of guitar and bass based alt rock. My first thought for a sounds like was The Wombats, and I would definitely recommend them to any fans of Lovejoy if you haven’t already heard them. However, I think they are leaning a little more on the bass-y side which I really really like. I spoke to Rae about what they mean for her, and she told me ‘It’s a family, not just a few fans of a band. We are there for each other through adversity, trials and tribulations.’ she also said that at the Rock City show ‘They even stopped the show to acknowledge LGBTQIA+ Disability Pride day!!!!’. So, if you’re worried about inclusivity they seem to have that down too! 

Another thing they have is a new single coming out tomorrow titled ‘Normal People Things’ and the music video has very recently won the Nashville Film Festival’s Best Music Video award. I will be listening, and I recommend that you do too! Loving some Lovejoy right now. 

Here is a link to a Google Drive folder where Rae has kindly let me upload her videos of the gig:


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