Track of the Week

 Happy Halloween! Of course, there could only really be one track of the week today, and it had to be Halloween by Phoebe Bridgers. This was especially evident because not only is it Halloween but tonight is also Boogenius (Boygenius’ show at the Hollywood Bowl). Wishing everyone going a great show, I’m incredibly jealous. 

So, ‘Halloween’. I first heard this track in 2020 when I discovered Phoebe Bridgers and it was my first ever favourite song of hers. Of course, over the past few years pretty much every one of her songs has been my favourite at some point, but in those early days something about the moody vibe of this particular track just hooked me. Built on a low pitched guitar picking pattern which is simultaneously at odds with and complements Phoebe’s haunting vocal, the song fits its subject matter perfectly. While it stays fairly minimalist, it manages to build in the right places for the desired emotional effect. 

In terms of lyrics, the song is about a destructive relationship and set on Halloween. A particular favourite lyric of mine (being a lover of using idioms and well-known phrases in songs) is ‘Baby it’s Halloween / And there’s a last time for everything’. This idea of holding on to what they had is something which comes across so beautifully in the song, and the desperation is truly the most stunning aspect of the track. In the typical Phoebe way, she really makes us feel it. 

So, if you’re a fan of emotionality in music or someone who doesn’t like to let go, I would definitely recommend this song to you. Also, if you’re looking for some moody music this track is a definite winner. 


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