Track of the Week


 And we’re back for another track of the week! This week I wanted to choose something a bit different, and a song came to mind which a friend introduced me to a few weeks ago as inspiration for a project we’re working on. 

Damien Rice is an artist I’ve heard a lot about, and an inspiration to several of my favourite musicians. That said, I had never really thought to listen to his music until I was working on this project and Ash brought ‘Volcano’ to the table as inspiration. This song immediately struck me because I fell in love with the dark indie folk aesthetic, especially with the use of the cello. Strings are pivotal in this style, but it’s rare to opt for a cello rather than a violin or viola. As well as this, I think that the voices work beautifully well together, and the overall mood of the track definitely resonates. 

My favourite moment would have to be right at the end of the song when the three vocal lines combine in the outro. As a big music nerd who has a background in musical theatre, there’s nothing more satisfying than when a song is that well written that you hardly realise that multiple of the vocal parts can fit together at once. After listening to this song, I’ve set myself the goal of doing something similar in my own music. That’s what great music is after all, inspiration and ideas. I’d recommend this song to anyone, but especially to fans of Phoebe Bridgers, Julien Baker and Elliott Smith. 


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