Music Videos


Photo from Snail Mail’s ‘Valentine’ music video.

In this week’s article, I want to explore what makes a good music video and how music videos can change the way we as listeners interact with music. Personally, I’ve thought a bit about what kind of music videos would suit my own music, and as a result I’ve come to think a lot about the music videos artists on my radar release and why. 

To start with, I should admit that I’m not the kind of person who watches a huge amount of videos. Because of the way I tend to listen to music (in the background of my everyday tasks) it doesn’t make sense for me to be watching anything while I’m listening. And this, I think, is how music videos work. They require more engagement from the listener and command their full attention, helping the song in question stick in their head because of the accompaniment of the image. For visual learners, I imagine music videos are really helpful for them to connect with music. 

Music videos in general fit into one of two categories: the artist or band is portraying themself or the music video is a concept video featuring characters and a storyline, almost like a short film. Black Honey are a great example of a band who creates these film-like music videos while Boygenius, for the most part, act as themselves in their music videos such as the ones in ‘the film’. Other bands, like Wolf Alice, use a combination of these two categories focusing more on the song and what kind of video it demands. Ultimately, it’s up to the artist and their image, and generally I’d say that artists do a really good job of choosing the right video for their song.

So, it’s no secret that a good music video can make a song, and I want to leave you with a link to one of my favourites.


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