Track of the Week

 Just like that, it's December which means that it's socially acceptable to play Christmas music again. And, naming no names, I know from my Airbuds app that it's all a lot of people listen to at this time of year. Of course, most Christmas music is quite jolly or at least upbeat, which just won't do for those of us who like music with a bit of emotionality. So, in this week's track of the week I thought I would shine a light on a Christmas song for people who are feeling something other than cheer right now: the Phoebe Bridgers cover of 'So Much Wine', originally by The Handsome Family. 

My little disclaimer for this one is that last year I wasn't quite ready to listen to this one in full, so it's only within the last few days that I've really formed an attachment with it. It's no secret, though, that I love Phoebe's work and this track is no exception. Something I've always found really endearing about her is that she manages to make covers her own while still integrating elements of the original style, and that makes these Christmas covers all the more special. 'So Much Wine' specifically is led by bass, drums and harmonica in the original version while Phoebe's interpretation is guitar based with violin but still makes use of bass and drums in the chorus to elevate it. Her vocal tone also works so well with this track which, having listened to the original version, I would not have thought would be the case. This, I think, is a huge part of Phoebe's covers being so amazing: she always manages to pick the exact right songs. In addition, seeing the potential for this to be a duet was a stroke of genius and Conor's voice complements hers beautifully as always. 

The writing of this song also really stands out to me because while, for me, the emotionality in it is brought out by Phoebe's version, the song itself is something of a masterpiece. It's quite structurally minimalist with only two verses, two pre-choruses, a chorus repeated twice and some instrumentals, but this is a decision that I think works really well in the context of the story as it fits into two defined sections, with the song coming full circle in the second pre-chorus when the narrator returns to the original setting. My favourite part of this one lyrically has to be the chorus, it's rare that I hear a line and think it's the absolute perfect line to fit in its place, but every line of this chorus gave me that feeling. Not to mention, Phoebe's arrangement perfectly accentuated the change from verse to chorus to amplify the focus on it even more. 

So, if you're experiencing some SAD right now or fancy a cry, listen to the Phoebe Bridgers cover of 'So Much Wine', guaranteed to make you feel upset but like in a good way. 


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