Track of the Week

 So, I will admit I’m a bit late to the party with this one. It happens to the best of us, and I have no idea why I had never heard of this artist until last week, especially since they run in such similar spheres to some of my faves at the moment. It’s been such a cool week discovering their discography and I look forward to listening more but, for this week, track of the week has to be a song that’s been on repeat: ‘Boyhood’ by The Japanese House. 

Last week, MUNA released a new episode of their podcast on which the guest star was Amber Bain, better known by their stage name The Japanese House. As I was listening, I was so intrigued to hear the music and it did not disappoint. There’s just something about their style, the production on these tracks is so flawless and clean and I have never heard a more satisfyingly recorded acoustic guitar. I think for me part of the charm is also that they don’t lean away from pop like a lot of artists nowadays and rather they embrace electronic instruments and incorporate them into the mix. In particular, there’s one string line which is a real brain scratch in the instrumental after the second chorus which has to be one of my favourite moments in the song. 

Lyrically, the subject matter is to do with the idea of changing and growing, which anyone who’s listened to my music will know is something I think and talk about a lot. However, this song gives me intense musical jealousy, especially the lyric ‘I wanna change but it’s nothing new / And if I grow I’m gonna get so old’ because that is exactly what I’ve been trying to say. And while it might be as annoying as someone telling you an answer you couldn’t quite remember from an artistic standpoint, it makes this song so cathartic to listen to. So, do yourself a favour and heal with ‘Boyhood’. 


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