Track of the Week

This week’s track of the week is one by a band who are, in my opinion, pretty underrated. While they’ve come a long way from the release this track was a part of, at the time they were a duo of a guitarist, bassist and two vocals which creates a really interesting texture on this record, especially as they regularly make use of unison between various elements of the tracks. I chose this song in particular because it has a nervous energy which I adore and I’ve also heard Avery Tucker (1/2 of Girlpool) discuss it publicly and explain how it was the first song he wrote about a girl which is, frankly, pretty adorable. The track of the week today is ‘I Like That You Can See It’ by Girlpool.

Early Girlpool music is honestly difficult to describe, in a way the vocals and use of the unison technique almost give punky vibes and yet the thin texture creates so much space in the mix. The lack of drums and the fingerpicked guitar on this track especially gives this record a sound all of its own, and it’s great. As I mentioned, the way Avery and Harmony use their voices is incredible, they have a way of working together to create unique textures within the wider fabric of their songs. 

Lyrically, ‘I Like That You Can See It’ is in some ways a love song, and it explores the nerves of finding romance. In particula, my favourite lyric from this one has to be ‘Is it pouring out my body / My nervous aching / I like that you can see it’. This is a brilliant lyric because it manages to explore so much and paint such a picture in three short lines, something which is key to Girlpool’s style in this era as they’re not overly wordy, so getting the point across in a swift but still artistic way is something they are the masters of. Really, Girlpool is for everyone. For something so niche, they manage to comment on so many topics that it would be difficult not to relate to a Girlpool song. So, I would recommend this record to anyone and everyone, give it a go. 


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